Ellie’s fundraising raffle!

The raffle will be drawn on 19th December 2020 at 12 noon. Please follow the link to buy tickets. Remember to tick the box to allow your details to be shared with Ellie, and DON’T GIFT AID!! Thank you for your support!

Click here to enter!

Al donations to Peacemakers are greatly appreciated, but unfortunately only UK entrants are eligible to win raffle prizes at this time.


st Prize – £150 cash!

2nd Prize – An 8″ round cake, baked and decorated by Ruth!

3rd Prize – A luxury hair brush from Hair By Carley, a homemade luxury, festive scented, double wick candle, and a £20 ‘The Restaurant choice’ Gift Card!

4th Prize – A beautiful box of 6 delicious cupcakes from Piped Blooms!


1 Ticket: £5

5 Tickets: £20 (1 Free Ticket / £4 Each)

10 Tickets: £35 (3 Free Tickets / £3.50 Each)

20 Tickets: £65 (7 Free Tickets / £3.25 Each)

40 Tickets: £100 (20 Free Tickets / £2.50 Each)


Christmas is approaching and I wanted to do something nice for a local charity as I know how tough things are in this current climate!

I immediately thought of Peacemakers International. Peacemakers Charity has been a big part of my life ever since I was about 10! I used to get involved at their fundraising charity events in the summers by helping out on the stalls selling beautiful ornaments and small accessories that people in Kenya had made to help us raise money for their communities. My Dad, has also been a huge part of the charity, volunteering for them for years helping out with the computer/website side of things. He also refurbished old computers so they could be sent out to Kenya to help children and adults study and learn and give them a better chance of earning money and finding work! Sadly my Dad passed away earlier this year and so I really wanted to do this raffle for him as well as Peacemakers, as they have lost such an important volunteer who supported the charity in more ways than one!

Since speaking to Brenda (The lovely lady who runs this amazing charity) about wanting to raise funds for Peacemakers by holding a raffle, she informed me that things in Kenya had been really bad lately! Due to heavy storms and large amounts of rainfall, the roof on the main community building has collapsed along with the balcony. She told me that to repair this it would cost around £1700. This is why £1700 is my goal!

I hope to go out to Kenya next year (something I’ve been wanting to do since I was about 10) to help the community in anyway I can. If you fancy doing something like this as well, let me know as I know all the help they can get is massively appreciated!

Thank you for supporting myself and Peacemakers International! Good luck! x


Posted in News.